User guide to Business Partners
Invite your clients:
This shows you how to invite your clients after you have successfully signed up as a Partner in MasterGST.
To Sign up as a partner in MasterGST click on the link which helps you to open MasterGST Partner Sign up page. Fill all the details like Name, Email ID, Password, Mobile Number, Address, Number of Clients, after filling the details click on submit. Then a page is displayed that you are successfully signed up.
Once you have successfully signed up in MasterGST, click on Continue to login to login into your account, fill the details i.e. Mail id and password and then click on the login button.
Once you have logged into your account. In the right top corner you have a button called “Invite a Business” click on it which helps you to invite your clients.
Once you have clicked on Invite a Business then a pop up appears, then fill the details of your client whom you want to invite in the pop up appeared i.e. Customer Name, Customer Email, Phone no of the Customer, Description (if you want to add a text) and then click on Invite. Thus, you have invited your first client. Like this you can invite any number of clients you want. A message and an email has been sent to your client.
Once you have invited your clients, now you can see your invited clients on your Partner account page.